1) What is Flex? Flex is used to devleop Rich Internet Application (RIA) You can both desktop & web based applicaiton.It is markup language and object-oriented languages its many syntax match with flash action script. Flex Developers use typically five distinct phases to develoep Rich Internet Application. Design Configure Build Deploy Secure 2) How do i get Page URL and Query String ? We can use mx.core.Application.application.url (mx.core)package to work with current page URL. & query string. 3) Describe flex component file types ? There are following file types we can use in flex. extension .mxml - a component implemented as an MXML file. extension .as - a component implemented as an ActionScript class. extension .swc - a SWC file contains components in a packge. 4) Difference between target & currentTarget ? target : This property is set by the dispatchEvent() method. You cannot change this to a different object. currentTarget : This property is set by component instan...
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