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Showing posts with the label Code

Send HTML Form Elements Value Without Using Form Tag

How to send form components value without using Form Tag in HTML, ? This example will help your to send HTML elements value from one page to another page without using HTML Form Tag. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> </HEAD> <BODY> <script language="javascript"> function goFor(){ var ele = document.getElementById("URL"); if(ele.value==""){ alert("Please Enter URL."); }else{ location.href=""+ele.value; } } </script...

How to Replace All in Javascript

How to replace all string using javascript replace function... Here is simple example replace all in javascript in replace string method. CODE: <Script Language="javascript"> var str = "This is the test string."; var rs = str.replace(/is/g,""); document.write(st); // result "Th the test string." </Script>

How to send variables from on SWF flex file to another SWF file Using Flex.

How to Communicate From one SWF Flex file to another SWF Flex File ? See the below example, This is loading external swf flex file into parent SWF File and sharing the data or variable from parent to child and child to parent. Parent.mxml CODE: 1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2: <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" width="100%" height="100%"> 3: <mx:Script> 4: <![CDATA[ 5: import; 6: import mx.controls.SWFLoader; 7: import mx.managers.PopUpManager; 8: import mx.containers.TitleWindow; 9: import mx.controls.Alert; 10: 11: public var tw:SWFPlaceHolder; 12: 13: public function launchExternalSWF(title:String,swfFilePath:String):void{ 14: 15: /...

How To Read RSS Using PHP

Here is the simple code to read RSS Feeds using php with simpladxml_load_string function. CODE: 1 :   <?php 2 :        $displayItems = 5; 3 :        $itemCounter = 0; 4 :        $rss = simplexml_load_file("http://put here url of RSS Feed"); 5 :        foreach($rss->channel->item as $feeds){ 6 :             $itemCounter++; 7 :             echo '<li><a href="'.$feeds->link.'">'.$feeds->title.'</a><br /><br />'; 8 :             if($itemCounter==$displayItems)break; 9 :        } 10 :   ?>

How to Check Local Machine Name and IP Address Using C#

How to check client Machine or local Machine Name and IP address using C-sharp, See the below simple example code. CODE: 1 : using System.Net; 2 : 3 : string hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); 4 : IPHostEntry ie = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName); 5 : IPAddress[] ia= ie.AddressList; 6 : 7 : MessageBox.Show("Local Machine Name : "+hostName.ToString()); 8 : MessageBox.Show("IP address Of Local Machine "+ipAddress[0].ToString());

How to Check Internet Connection Using C-Sharp

How to check internet connection using c#? Here is a simple example to find out internet connection or page response using c -Sharp CODE: 1 : Using System.Net ; 2 : try{ 3 : HttpWebRequest request= (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create(""); 4 : HttpWebResponse response= (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse(); 5 : if (HttpStatusCode.OK == response.StatusCode) 6 : { 7 : //Write here your code... 8 : response.Close(); 9 : } 10 : }catch (Exception ex){ 11 : MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect"); 12 : }

Search Records into XML Using PHP

There is an example for search items or block into xml using php with simplexml_load_string method or function, this will return you record block for particular query. query = us CODE: 1 :   <?php 2 :        # parm query=delhi , us 3 :        $xmlStr = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 4 :                            <temprature> 5 :                            <item> 6 :                                 <city>Bareilly</city> 7 :    ...

Create Word Document Using PHP

Here is the example of creating word document using php. <?php $wordObj = new COM("word.application") or die ("Could not create an instance of word"); echo "Version : {$wordObj->version}"; $wordObj->visible = 1; $wordObj->Documents->Add(); $wordObj->Selection->TypeText("Hello World.."); // add text here $wordObj->Documents[1]->SaveAs("sample.doc"); // save location $wordObj->Quit(); $wordObj->Release(); //free object $wordObj = null; ?>

Flex Banner Example

Simple Flex Fade in Fade out Banner Example CODE: 1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2: <mx:Application verticalScrollPolicy="off" verticalGap="0" horizontalGap="0" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" paddingTop="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingBottom="0" verticalAlign="middle" backgroundColor="white" creationComplete="{init();}"> 3: <mx:Script> 4: <![CDATA[ 5: import mx.effects.WipeLeft; 6: import; 7: import mx.controls.Alert; 8: import; 9: import mx.effects.Fade; 10: import mx.effects.Pause; 11: import mx.effects.Sequence; 12: import mx.effects.SetPropertyAction; 13: import mx.effects.WipeRight; 14: private var fader:Sequence; 15: private ...