How to convert xls file into csv file using php or LAMP, Look at simple example to convert excel to csv file using php on linux server. <?php require_once 'Excel/reader.php'; $excel = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); $excel->setOutputEncoding('CP1251'); $excel->read('b.xls'); $x=1; $sep = ","; ob_start(); while($x<=$excel->sheets[0]['numRows']) { $y=1; $row=""; while($y<=$excel->sheets[0]['numCols']) { $cell = isset($excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][$y]) ? $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][$y] : ''; $row.=($row=="")?"\"".$cell."\"":"".$sep."\"".$cell."\""; $y++; } echo $row."\n"; $x++; } $fp = fopen("data.csv",'w'); fwrite($fp,ob_get_contents()); fclose($fp); ob_end_cl...
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